TikTok Comments Not Showing: Troubleshooting Guide 2024
July 26th, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

Unable to see TikTok comments on your own videos, or comments that you've left on other videos? Chances are it's one of these common issues - luckily there are quick and easy fixes for each one!


I Can't See Comments On My Own Videos



If your own videos aren't showing comments that you know are there, it may be caused by:


  • comment filters

  • your privacy settings

  • community guidelines violations

  • internet connection

  • technical glitch


Comment Filters


For users who don't wish to disable comments altogether, the comment filter settings on TikTok are a great choice. However, they can sometimes result in non-offensive comments being hidden or removed by mistake.


To review your filtered comments, follow the steps below via the TikTok app:


  • Tap Profile.

  • Tap the three line icon on the top right corner.

  • Tap Settings and privacy.

  • Tap Privacy > Comments.

  • Tap Review filtered comments.

  • Tap Approve or Delete below the comment you are reviewing.


Privacy Settings


If you've adjusted your profile privacy settings to allow only certain users to post comments, you might see less comments overall or be unable to view potential comments left by certain users.


You can manage your comment privacy settings by following the steps below in the TikTok app:


  • Tap Profile.

  • Tap the three line icon on the top right corner.

  • Tap Settings and privacy.

  • Tap Privacy > Comments.

  • Tap Comments and select your audience (Everyone, Followers, Followers that you follow back, No one)


Community Guidelines Violations


Sometimes TikTok will step in and remove comments that violate their community guidelines, especially in the case of offensive or spam content such as hate speech, explicit language, or spam words. This might bypass any comment filters you have set.


Internet Connection Issues


If your connection isn't strong, your entire comments section might not appear or you might have trouble seeing more comments than the initial few that load.


The best solution is to switch to a stronger connection and wait it out!


Technical Glitches


Many users experience random issues with TikTok comments not showing. If you've gone through the steps above and nothing seems to work, it could be a technical glitch.


In this case, the best approach is to clear your app cache. If that doesn't do the trick, uninstall and reinstall TikTok.


I Can't See Comments I Left On Another Video



If you're unable to see comments that you left on someone else's TikTok videos, it may be due to:


  • that TikTok users comment settings

  • the user removed your comment manually

  • community guidelines violations

  • spammy behavior

  • internet connection

  • technical glitch


Comment Settings & Comment Removal


If your comment is posted but disappears instantly, it might be due to the comment filters or settings set by the original poster. Even if your comment is seemingly innocuous, it might include a keyword that the poster has opted to filter out.


Community Guidelines Violations & Spammy Behavior


Commenting rapidly or on many videos within a short span of time may result in your comments not showing or staying posted.


If your comment violates TikTok's community guidelines, it might be instantly removed by the platform.


Internet Connection


A poor internet connection could result in your comment not being successfully posted - or in your inability to view the entire comments section.


Technical Glitch


If you've gone through the steps above and nothing seems to work, it could be a technical glitch.

First clear your app cache. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling TikTok.


If All Else Fails...


If you're unable to resolve the issue with comments made by other users on your TikTok videos, or you're noticing that your own comments aren't appearing on multiple videos for different TikTok creators, contact TikTok community support for further assistance.

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