What Is A Facebook Pin Post?
May 17th, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

A pinned post on Facebook refers to a post that stays at the top of the feed on a profile, page, or group timeline. Commonly used to highlight announcements, promos, or other important posts, pinning posts has become common practice for boosting visibility on new post content, group rules, and other content in a featured section.


Pinned posts will remain pinned indefinitely.


How To Pin A Post


To pin a specific post, navigate to the post you wish to pin via the Facebook app or desktop site. This can be in Facebook groups, pages, or on your profile.


NOTE: If you wish to pin a post on a group or page, you must have admin access. Group members without admin access do not have the ability to pin a post.


Click or tap the three dots on the upper right corner of the post.


facebook post menu


Select Pin Post.


facebook pin post


Your post will now appear at the top of the Facebook timeline regardless of who is viewing it or whether they're using a mobile device or desktop browser.


To unpin a post, click the three dots on the top right corner and select Unpin.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pin more than one post on my Facebook timeline at a time?

Yes, if you manage a Facebook page or group, you can pin several posts at once. They will appear in the featured section at the top of the timeline.

How long will a post stay pinned on my Facebook timeline?

Pinning a post keeps it in the featured section indefinitely, until you manually unpin it.

What type of content can I pin to my Facebook timeline?

You can pin any type of post to your Featured section, including photos, videos, and text posts.

Is it possible to pin a post on a Facebook group or page that I manage?

Yes! If you have permission to create or manage posts on a group or page, you have the ability to pin a post.


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