Can You Disable Instagram Reels? 2024 Guide
May 1st, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

Tired of seeing Instagram Reel content? While there's no method to remove Instagram Reels as a feature entirely, there are a few ways you can avoid seeing Reels on Instagram.


iOs Solution


If you're an iPhone user, the best way to avoid seeing Reels on your Instagram account is by accessing Instagram from a mobile browser, rather than an app.


There is currently no way to directly disable Reels on the iOs version of the Instagram app.


Android Solution



Android users can disable Reels by using the previous version of the Instagram app. You can do this via the Play Store by following the steps below:


Visit the Instagram app page in the Play Store and tap the three dots on the top right.


Uncheck the box for Enable Auto Update.


Now you'll have to uninstall the newer version of Instagram and download a pre-2020 version via an APK.

Instagram introduced Reels on August 5th, 2020 in v153. so any APK from that version or previous will remove Reels.


It's important to find an APK from a reputable source - do your research before downloading anything to your device.


As long as you've disabled auto updates, you'll be able to use the older version of Instagram on your device. Keep in mind that additional new feature options will be missing, and there may be issues with speed or interacting with other Instagram users.


Desktop Solution


instagram desktop


Get rid of suggested Reels by using the site in desktop mode! You can do this either from a desktop computer, or mobile device by requesting desktop mode from the browser of your choice.


The Reels section does appear on the desktop version of Instagram, along with the Explore page, however you won't see Reels among the posts of your feed outside the Reels tab.


How To Delete Your Own Reels


Deleting Reels from your own profile grid is simple.


  • Open your Instagram profile.
  • Tap the Reels tab.
  • Open the Reel of your choice and tap the three dots on the top right corner.
  • Tap Delete to confirm.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I mute all Instagram Reels?

While it's possible to hide a specific Reel, there's no way to mute all Reels entirely.

Can I turn off Reels on the Instagram app entirely?

No, there is currently no way to disable Instagram Reels in the most recent version of the Instagram app.

How do I hide a Reel from my Instagram feed?

Tap the three dots on bottom right and select Not Interested. You'll see less of this type of content.

When did Instagram add Reels?

Reels were added as a post type on August 5th, 2020 in version v153. of Instagram.



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  • 1

    Inaccurate information for iOS. No way to toggle.

    • Employee 1 month ago

      Thanks for bringing this to our attention - I've updated the article to accurately reflect the current process.

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