How To Delete Discord Messages In 2025
September 1st, 2024 by Joy Santos

Want to delete messages on your direct messages, server chat or on your server? Don't worry! We'll show you all the ways you can try to help you with it.


First and foremost, you would need Internet access before attempting to delete all messages you wanted.


Delete Direct Messages


If you want to only delete a few messages, you will have to manually remove messages one by one.


On Mobile:


Tap and Hold the Message you want to delete.


Click Delete Message.


On Windows/MacOS:


Hover to the message you want to delete, then press the Shift button and Click the delete icon.



**Holding the shift button will allow you to skip a confirmation dialog to speed up the process.


Hiding A Direct Message Chat


If you just want to reduce or clean up your DM list, hover over the chat name you want to hide and then click X.



This will only hide your chat with the person but all of the messages will still be there and you can still see it if you search for their username on Discord.


Note: Unfortunately, there's no way to delete an entire chat history that will also reflect to the other person's history. Discord, like most of the chat applications does not allow this due to privacy and security purposes.


Delete Messages On A Discord Server


Manual Deletion


From a Discord server, you can either delete a message by right-clicking the Discord channel or clicking the three dots icon. Then, Click 'Delete the message' with a trash can icon. (You can also use the Shift + Delete method on this one)



An easier alternative is just to delete the entire text channel, which will help delete all messages on the text channel.


To delete, right-click the text channel you want to delete then click Delete Channel.



Using A Discord Bot


Discord bots like Discord ClearChat Bot can be used to bulk delete messages on a Discord channel.


Open your browser and search 'Discord Clear Chat Bot'.



Click "Add App" to add Discord Clear Chat Bot to your server.



Make sure to assign a role with "Manage Channels" permission to the bot for the command to go through. 


Type the command message to delete messages: /clearall



Note that this cannot be used on a server chat or chats within a voice channel.

To clear Discord chat on a voice channel, you would also need to do it manually.


**You can also delete all the messages from a Discord channel even if you are not the server owner as long as you have the same permissions we discussed earlier.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Discord delete all direct or server messages after deletion of account?

No. All of the messages you sent through DMs or servers will still be visible to the other users. Discord will only anonymize all of the messages once an account has been deleted.


You can also re-open Discord account within a specific period of time from its deletion date.

Can I duplicate a channel with all of the messages?

No. You can duplicate a channel but it will only clone the permissions and other settings of the original channel. None of the messages on the original channel will be on the new channel.




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