How To Bump A Post On Facebook
July 8th, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

Want to bump a post in a Facebook group's feed? While there's no dedicated bump feature on Facebook, users can start bumping posts simply by adding a comment to the original post content.


The specific comment doesn't matter - there's no need to actually type "bump". All you need to do is engage with the post, and it will appear at the top of the group feed as if it were a new post.


How else can you boost a post's popularity? Whether you want more visibility, engagement from other users, or just more attention, there are a few ways to reach your target audience and gain engagement from more people.


Commenting On Your Own Posts



As we've already touched upon, commenting on your own posts will bump them. This is a great way to keep your recent activity up to date, and can help keep your post thread active.


The comment content in question doesn't have to be anything specific, but try to avoid simply typing "bump" or other spammy phrases. If possible, comment something that can result in additional engagement from your followers.



Whether it's in the body of your original post or in a comment, helpful links can go a long way when it comes to creating a high level of engagement on your business page or group.


Be sure the link you provide is for a reputable website or platform - don't lead your followers to unsafe pages, as this can result in your group or page being shut down.


Encouraging Conversation Or Engagement



Ask open ended questions, encourage users to comment with raffles or giveaways, and keep the conversation going by responding to comments!


When you show that you actually want to hear from your community and are using their feedback and input in a constructive way, they're more likely to continue engaging with your posted content.


Focus on maintaining conversations that are relevant and essential to the function of your group or page. This is also a great way to share valuable information with the rest of your group, rather than keeping the conversation hidden in a private message.


Engage With Your Followers


Never let a comment go unanswered! Even if the comment isn't a question, it's a great idea to always reply to the comment with a thank you or another positive response to help increase the engagement levels of your post.


It also shows your audience that they're worth interacting with, which will keep them coming back for more.


Invest In Facebook Engagement


If you're just starting a new group or page on Facebook, it can be tough to gain engagement. That's why buying Facebook comments, reactions, and followers is a great method for both beginners and Facebook pros alike.


The more engagement your post has, the more likely it is to receive more visibility and therefore additional engagement.


Start by buying Facebook reactions on your latest post and go from there. Who knows? You might even go viral!


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a bump feature on Facebook?

No, but you can easily bump a post by simply commenting on it, which will push it to the top of the page or feed.

Can you bump a Facebook post in the news feed?

Yes! Just like a post in a group or page, adding a comment to one of your own posts will help it appear at the top of your friends or followers' newsfeeds.

Is bumping a Facebook post considered spam?

No, as long as you're not engaging in spammy behavior by commenting nonsense you're safe. If you're simply commenting "bump", keep it down to once per day. Otherwise, comment as much as you like!


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