How To Check Reddit Creator Stats & Insights
January 1st, 2024 by Terri Pinyerd

If you're posting on Reddit to help build up your online profile and even gain web traffic to your online business, accessing your Creator Stats is a great way to start improving your content approach.


NOTE: Creator Stats are only available on a post once it has at least 10 views. They will remain available for up to 45 days. Stats are only available to the original poster and to moderators on posts within their own communities.


From your Creator Stats dashboard you can view the following:

  • total post views

  • upvote rate

  • community karma earned

  • total shares


How To Access Creator Stats


To access your stats, visit the post details page of the post you wish to view insights for.

You can do this by clicking your profile name at the top right.


From here, click Profile.


reddit profile menu


On your profile overview page you'll be able to see your most recent posts, but if you want an older post click the Posts tab.


reddit posts overview


Click the post you wish to view insights for.


Below the main post text you'll be able to see your total views, upvote rate, community karma earned, and total shares.


reddit analytics post insights

Remember, you'll only be able to view insights on a post once it has at least 10 views. They will remain available for up to 45 days. Stats are only available to the original poster and to moderators on posts within their own communities.

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